Wednesday, July 8, 2009

life is as soft as "tauhu"

Human life is just very simply, we never know when our time will come?
We never know what is going to happen on the next hour, minute, and even second..

Today, when i was driving back from shopping, i saw an accident, live accident! Wow, is really terrible.....

Take a look at the photo below:-

One BIG van crashed with one Toyota Unser! Before i took the photo, the unser was lying on the road... But, i did not see any of the drivers around, possibly they have been sent to the nearest hospital.. Observe from the situation, the drivers or any of the passengers on the car should be seriously injured. STOP!

Yea, life is very vulnerable, even a small mistake can lead to fatal result......

We cannot predict what will come next, but maybe we can prevent it!!

yea, that's all for tonight!!


Unknown said...

so you're gonna drive safe too?
no 160km/h?

unser's a car(supposely spelled enser)...
the car...lying?on the floor?>_<

Blackswan said...

Thks for sharing d story! Life's short, so let's treasure it :) said...

cherish your lives...