Tuesday, April 14, 2009

10 things that you have to take consideration of...!

There are many things that we should do and we should not...
I am trying my best to list it out...
Even though just 10, but i think it pretty enough....

Please read it carefully....

1) Do not compare your life with others', you have no idea what their journey is all about!
2) Try to avoid negative thought or thing that you cannot control, cause it may brings you down!
3) Do not over do it, give yourself a limit!
4) Do not take yourself too serious, cause no one else does.
5) Prevent gossip.
6) Try to avoid extreme daydreaming.
7) Hating people is a waste of time, in fact we do not have much time in our lives!
8) Win or lose is just a matter of fact, do not care too much about that. If no people lose, there is no win as well!
9) Taking life as a school and you are on the way to learn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and face away like mathematics class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime!
10) Do not envy other people, cause it is a waste of time. Actually you have all you need!

Well, always remember that "yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a gift"
Nothing is impossible in the world, even though not everything is perfect!
Everyone born with its own Weakness and POTENTIAL..
Figure out your weakness and try your best to change it...
Realize your potential and do not waste it!

Life is not as LONG as you thought, it may ends at anytime! Today? Tomorrow? Next week? Next year? Even 50 years later! Nobody will know!
So, appreciate every minutes you got.....

That's all!
comment if you like..


Annoymous said...

Interesting read :)

xu.xu.moi said...

sorry, but i really can't stop daydreaming... :P

very nice post :)

Jack said...

David,i grant to what you trying to say....

Pike-chan said...

I'm just guilty as ever for point 3,4 and 10.

Anonymous said...

nice nice.. =)

Normi said...

I like this one Dave,,seriously... I did most of the things in that list.. now I know...

*_Miyuki_* said...

nt bad huh....